Podcasts & Blog Interviews
December 2020 – Feed Your Body with Love Podcast with Jennifer Dragonette.
We talk about digging into your own Human Design Chart and how that can help you ALIGN with your true passions, purpose, and life on this planet! Why is human design so important? It can shed a lot of life on how we interact with our lives and how different things can make the FLOW stop in your life.
We go through a little about my chart and how it relates to my life. My Mind is FREAKING BLOWN! Thank you Heather for sharing with us today!
November 2020 – Anxiety Proof Her with Jennifer Bronsnick
Do you struggle with anxiety? Me too. In this interview I open up about my past. How meditation came into my life. My story about anxiety and so much more.
November 2020 – The Hey Heather Podcast by Heather Edwards
Heather Edwards created a podcast all about Heather’s isn’t that cool! We spoke about how I was named Heather, what name I was almost given, some other fun facts then we got to dive into yoga, meditation and human design. Fun episode.
April 2020 – Triangle Table Podcast with Anna Herendeen, Amanda Smith & Kelli Oster
I had the honor to speak on self acceptance with this trio. This is an episode where you may want to bring a pen and paper maybe even some tissues.