Summer of Self Love

A 28 Day Meditation Challenge & Membership

Ready to stop talking about self love and actually experience it?

How often are you making time to connect with your body & soul?

Ready to take radical responsibility for your happiness & take your power back?

What if you showed up and focused on self love, movement, & meditation for 28 days?

How would that feel?… 

This might just come at the perfect timing. You probably called this into your life. What if you kept that promise to yourself, honored that nudge and tried it out?

It’s time to be kinder to yourself and maybe even love yourself or at the very least begin to like yourself. We will shift our inner dialogue and decide how we want to feel each moment. What you focus on expands.

We begin Monday, Aug 15th, 2022 and YOU’RE INVITED. This will change how you see yourself for the rest of your life!

Ways to Experience Summer of

Self Love


– Weekly LIVE guided Meditations with Heather

-Daily inspiration and meditation, yoga, and/or journal prompts

-Monthly Q&A LIVE ZOOM support session/meditation/cards pulled and more with Heather

-40+ meditations & yoga sessions to choose from

-Facebook support community

-Early access to Let’s Talk Meditation with Heather Nieves Podcast episodes

-Accountability because let’s be honest if it is FREE we often forget and are not willing to show up.

MEMBERSHIP DEFINITION: Being a member. Being included. Connected. Supported. Partipation in all things ahead. Membership IS COMMUNITY and we all need more of that in our lives, wouldn’t you agree?


-Membership for 3 months included to DEVOTE to EMBODIMENT of SELF LOVE

-For the woman deeply committed to her Self Love Journey

*no auto-renew


-Membership for 3 months included to DEVOTE to EMBODIMENT of SELF LOVE

-For the woman deeply committed to her Self Love Journey


*Limited availability for 1:1 Voxer Support. Accepting 5 women only.

**no auto-renew

I am a seasoned meditator but I was skipping days and wanted to recommit and be more consistent. When I saw Heather was hosting this I signed up immediately! I have known her for 5 years and trust her kind, caring non-judgemental presence. Join us the next round I’ll be there! Jen Kohler

Reiki Teacher and Quantum Numerologist

I’m so grateful I took advantage of Heather’s 28 day meditation challenge. Even though I’m familiar with the practice of meditation, the challenge helped me be accountable to myself. She provided an extensive list of resources and meditations that I could pick and choose from. Her Facebook group encourages you and keeps you motivated. Heather makes meditation so accessible. Her ability to make it simple and less intimidating is a huge asset. If you’ve ever been interested in practicing meditation, this challenge is for you! If you’re familiar with meditation and would like support & accountability, this challenge is for you! You won’t regret it and you definitely deserve it! Mary Addison Yates

Jourey to Empowerment Life Coach

I have never meditated for this many consecutive days and I am loving it! I am so glad I joined! Sara F

Dietician & Nutrition Coach

I kept up with meditating daily and even the short ones were beneficial. I used to think meditation needed to be a certain amount of time to have an impact, but that’s not true. Daily meditation has changed my life. Thank you for helping me make it a habit. This has has a HUGE impact on my life and I am not exaggerating. I am now able to listen to my body and my heart. It no longer feels like a chore and I look forward to showing up to my daily practice. Sara Burlingame

Reiki Artist & Healer for Women

This challenge was a powerful reminder that when we return to ourselves things can change. I missed days and still saw benefits. I committed to myself and kept growing towards being a grounded, present and centered being that I desire to be. That is a HUGE accomplishment for me1 If you are exploring your relationship with meditation (or yourself), PRESENCE is a great place to start and Heather is the PERFECT teacher to lead you! Ami Spencer Youngs

Mindset Coach & Copywriter

Ready to begin your self love meditation
